What's Been Going On?

We've been busy updating the inventory on the website!  With more to come!  The Yowza is done, as well as the Yummy 2-ply Sock Yarn and the Yet Lace.


We have also added My Favorite Stitchmarkers because of customer requests.  These are the ones we've been giving away at shows and in packages over the last year.  Many of you will recognize these little lovelies. Not really "special", which is what makes them so wonderful.  They fit most needles up to size 9, and don't get in the way of your knitting and don't catch your knitting with any ends.


These have been added to every page so you can order them wherever you are.  Just $6 for 10!  These make great stocking stuffers for your knitting friends and a great addition to your own knitting accessories bag.


So much for what's been going on with the website.  What have I been up to??  I thought I would take a picture of my chair and talk about what's going on there!  So what's in the basket? I just did a new colorway on fiber and liked it so much that I am spinning a bunch of it up.  One of the things I learned early in my spinning life from Lori Lawson (one of the original Twisted Sisters in Lynne Vogel's book, The Twisted Sister's Sock Workbook) is to do some pre-work before I spin so I can just spin, spin, spin.  The pre-work consists of splitting the roving into lengths, then doing a little pre-drafting of the fiber.  Then you roll it up.  Then all I have to do is reach in the basket and grab a nubbin of fiber and continue spinning.

[caption id="attachment_949" align="alignleft" width="300" caption="My Chair!"][/caption]



The open book is a book about acrylic painting which I am starting to explore.  The knitting under the book is my Trillian that I am working on in Yet in a one of a kind color called "Friggin' Gorgeous."  That was one of those days when we were short on name ideas but we could describe the yarn! On the side table are some yarns in various bases that I stole out of the booth during SAFF (our last show of the year) that I want to knit up in the next few months.  Some of these will be for me, and some will be for samples in the booth.  Hmm... what else?  Oh the little basket with white fluff in it is some eri silk that I am spinning up.  I got this from Morgaine of Carolina Homespun at Sock Summit.  I 've been working on it a bit at a time at guild meetings.  I will Navajo ply it when I am done, and dye it then.  I do want some more!  It is incredibly soft and lovely!  It has some nubblies in it, so it will have some texture in the final yarn.


The pile of magazines are those that I have skimmed during show season, which I will peruse more closely in the next few months.

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1 comment

Wow, great to know that your fiber chair area looks just like mine! My chair is red and my wheel is upstairs but the books, the skeins, the patterns, the knitting in progress, bags, shoes, baskets, hardwood floor…freakishly similar!

The eri silk sounds divine, I’ll have to go check it out. The only silk I’ve spun has been the merino/tussah of yours (love love love).

I’m in the color co-op so I get my taste of Miss Babs a few time a year, but…will you ever have a Just Miss Babs fiber club? It’s at the top of my wish list :)


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