This Week, This Day, This Hour

This Week, This Day, This Hour

So today is Sunday. My first day off in two weeks. Thirteen days straight, although driving north and south on I81 is sort of time off. I love driving and it is time to be by myself - no phone, just music or NPR or silence.

For my day off, I was able to sit and read and knit for most of the morning. I talked to one of my sisters who lives in Colorado. It's our weekly chance to catch up on what happened during the last week. I talk about my husband, my grandkids, the dogs -- especially Oliver, and what is happening in my yarn world. She talks about the new place she is living in and the landscaping she is getting to do, her kids, and grandkids, and great grandchild. She ponders retirement, and what it means for her. We also talk about our parents and what it all meant, and how we are still processing things from our childhood at our ages.

After that, a fresh vegetable lunch that is mostly stuff from yesterday's farmers' market. I found some cukes - amazing that someone still has some coming in, tomatoes, beans, more little gold tomatoes, carrots and potatoes. And eggs. And mums!

This afternoon, I spent cleaning up my email and creating new folders. I just changed computers and am using the email system that comes with the computer. Between sitting here doing that, I watered the plants that are dreary from a few weeks without rain, and also dusted them with worm castings that I bought at the Farmers' Market. And I knitted while reading and typing. 


Not a special day, but a quiet day. Time to do things differently than on a weekday. This hour brings dinner time for the dogs, and soon it will be time for pork chops, carrots and potatoes.

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I loved your comments about the chat with your sister. My sister and I live closer than you and talk often-many times about the past with long gone parents. She is my best friend and I treasure those talks! I look forward to seeing you at Rhinebeck!


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