Miss Babs Blog

Miss Babs Blog

Signs of spring!

[caption id="attachment_728" align="alignleft" width="200" caption="Peeking through the leaves!"][/caption] Before we left for California and Spring out on the West Coast, I took a look around the property for signs of...

Signs of spring!

[caption id="attachment_728" align="alignleft" width="200" caption="Peeking through the leaves!"][/caption] Before we left for California and Spring out on the West Coast, I took a look around the property for signs of...

Getting Ready for a Show....

All those last minute things that have to be done.  My DH suggested a few years ago that I make a standard list of things to remember in getting ready...

1 comment

Getting Ready for a Show....

All those last minute things that have to be done.  My DH suggested a few years ago that I make a standard list of things to remember in getting ready...

1 comment

Did You Know??

There's lots of things to learn about fibers and yarns. Everything from how to knit and crochet to how to create the yarn to knit and crochet with.  Then there's...

Did You Know??

There's lots of things to learn about fibers and yarns. Everything from how to knit and crochet to how to create the yarn to knit and crochet with.  Then there's...


Well, changes may be too strong a word!  All I know is that things change constantly with me, as long as I get to have a basic routine in my...



Well, changes may be too strong a word!  All I know is that things change constantly with me, as long as I get to have a basic routine in my...


Spring Retreat in the Mountains!

A couple of months ago Nancy Shroyer of Nancy's Knit-Knacks contacted me about a retreat she was planning for spring this year!  She wanted to know if I was interested...

Spring Retreat in the Mountains!

A couple of months ago Nancy Shroyer of Nancy's Knit-Knacks contacted me about a retreat she was planning for spring this year!  She wanted to know if I was interested...

Winter Visitors

[caption id="attachment_682" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="A few Robins!"][/caption] Jen here... I was raised up north where the Robins disappear for the winter.  When I was a kid, it was a huge...

Winter Visitors

[caption id="attachment_682" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="A few Robins!"][/caption] Jen here... I was raised up north where the Robins disappear for the winter.  When I was a kid, it was a huge...

Shy Babs

Shy!?@#! Heck no!!! But there are those who like photos of themselves and those who hate photos of themselves. I am in the Hate category. I don't care to see...


Shy Babs

Shy!?@#! Heck no!!! But there are those who like photos of themselves and those who hate photos of themselves. I am in the Hate category. I don't care to see...


Walk to Work

I get to walk to work everyday, which is a luxury in my book.  This is especially true after years of commuting to work 30 minutes to an hour, and...

Walk to Work

I get to walk to work everyday, which is a luxury in my book.  This is especially true after years of commuting to work 30 minutes to an hour, and...

The Monogamy Project

[caption id="attachment_638" align="alignleft" width="420" caption="the monogamy project"][/caption] jen here... Have no doubt that I'll use any excuse to cast on something new!  This is Just Enough Ruffles by Laura Chau...


The Monogamy Project

[caption id="attachment_638" align="alignleft" width="420" caption="the monogamy project"][/caption] jen here... Have no doubt that I'll use any excuse to cast on something new!  This is Just Enough Ruffles by Laura Chau...


Another Project Done!

I absolutely cannot believe it!  I have knit another project and it is done blocking.  Now admittedly it is a small project.  Simple Things by Mary-Heather Cogar, which I did...


Another Project Done!

I absolutely cannot believe it!  I have knit another project and it is done blocking.  Now admittedly it is a small project.  Simple Things by Mary-Heather Cogar, which I did...


Merry Christmas! Happy Holidays! Gratitude!

Merry Christmas to everyone! Holiday Greetings to all! Silent gratitude isn't much use to anyone. ~G.B. Stern I found this phrase a few years ago when I was thinking about...

Merry Christmas! Happy Holidays! Gratitude!

Merry Christmas to everyone! Holiday Greetings to all! Silent gratitude isn't much use to anyone. ~G.B. Stern I found this phrase a few years ago when I was thinking about...

Kiva: Loans that Change Lives

Even if you haven't heard about Kiva, I imagine you have heard about micro-loans and how they have changed people's lives.  When I first heard about Kiva a year and...

Kiva: Loans that Change Lives

Even if you haven't heard about Kiva, I imagine you have heard about micro-loans and how they have changed people's lives.  When I first heard about Kiva a year and...

Thursday! A Winner and More...

It's a Thursday, 9 days before Christmas and I have been busy...but first I want to congratulate Anita on putting in the winning comment on the blog in the Tierno...

Thursday! A Winner and More...

It's a Thursday, 9 days before Christmas and I have been busy...but first I want to congratulate Anita on putting in the winning comment on the blog in the Tierno...

Did You Feel the Shift...?

Jen here! [caption id="attachment_552" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="Pre-blocking w/ crochet edge"][/caption] [caption id="attachment_553" align="alignleft" width="300" caption="Yowza light worsted"][/caption] In the space/time continuum, that is! Actually it should be a double-whammy shift...

Did You Feel the Shift...?

Jen here! [caption id="attachment_552" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="Pre-blocking w/ crochet edge"][/caption] [caption id="attachment_553" align="alignleft" width="300" caption="Yowza light worsted"][/caption] In the space/time continuum, that is! Actually it should be a double-whammy shift...

It's Warmer Today!

Well, warmer is a relative term.  Warmer than yesterday!  So it is supposed to get up to 43 degrees F. today.  Wow! And it is supposed to start snowing again...

It's Warmer Today!

Well, warmer is a relative term.  Warmer than yesterday!  So it is supposed to get up to 43 degrees F. today.  Wow! And it is supposed to start snowing again...