Packed and Almost Ready to Go!!! Chicago or Bust!!

The trailer is loaded and ready to go!!

We finished packing the yarn, the fiber, all of the booth "stuff". Now we gotta pack ourselves. We're taking two days to travel north and's only 700 miles, but when you are pulling a trailer it is more work and you go slower than you do (at least I do) than when I am traveling without an attachment on the back!!

Hopefully taking our time this will give us a little time to rest up before we get to the show. Who's coming?? Well Jen who works with me, and has been for over 2 years now and myself. The great husband is staying behind so he can get over the flurry of our insanity for the last month, and take care of the pups - my livestock!!


Looking forward to seeing everyone in Chicago (Crystal Lake). I am bringing 150 Ravelry name buttons...they will be available free until gone. I would suppose they'll be gone by the end of Friday evening. Hey, that could be a contest...Whoever guesses closest to the correct time that the last button is gone gets a free skein of sock yarn!! Put your guesses in here or via my contact page. I will have my computer with me so I will be able to announce the winner at the booth and here!

See you there!!

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Thanks everyone for coming by last night. Looking forward to meeting more Chicago-area folks today!! I grew up down-state (across the river from St. Louis) so I am enjoying seeing the fields and glad you are getting rain as some of the trees had their leaves curled to hold in the moisture. You can hear them yelling “yippee!”

Miss Babs

Hi there! I’m so excited that I got to see your gorgeous yarn in person tonight and get a Rav button, too! The hardest part about visiting your booth was deciding what colors to get. I bought two skeins of the sport weight, and I can’t wait to use it. Thanks for coming out to Chicago!


I think you’ll run out of buttons by 7:30 pm Friday!
I’ll see you at 4 when you open! (or as close to it as I can find you!!)

Susan Swartz

I think you’ll run out of buttons by 7:30 pm!
I’ll see you at 4 ! (or as close to it as I can find you!!)

Susan Swartz

I think you’ll be out of buttons by 10 am. :D


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