Kiva: Loans that Change Lives

Even if you haven't heard about Kiva, I imagine you have heard about micro-loans and how they have changed people's lives.  When I first heard about Kiva a year and a half ago, I was intrigued.

  • I like the idea of helping people to help themselves.
  • I like the idea of helping other small business people expand, or simply help with working capital, in some small way.
  • I like the idea of joining together with others to loan money...not being the only one on the line.
  • I like the idea of being able to identify who I am helping.
  • I like the idea of being able to give help through the year, and as money is repaid, I can loan it back out to others.
  • I like the idea that given a job, people are less likely to reach for a gun to solve their problems.

I have loaned money to people in the United States, South America, the Middle East, and Asia.

I often loan when I come home from a show and have money in my pocket.  It's  way of sharing my good fortune. But I have also loaned when money is tight as a sign of faith that others will come through for me.

I believe it is important to share with others, may you find time and space in your day to do so also.

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