First Rays
Designed by Jennifer Weissman
First Rays is a reversible triangular shawl that reminds me of the sun peeking over the horizon, sending long rays across the landscape. As the name hints, the rays are knitted first, from the shortest ray to the longest, and then the triangular tip finishes the piece. This is an entertaining knit, with plenty of relaxing garter stitch and regular changes in color that will keep you wanting to knit just one more row. Although the shape relies on short rows, there is no need to pick up wraps. The construction also minimizes the number of ends that will need weaving in — just two ends per color. When it is time to knit the tip, you simply slip previously knitted yarnover loops onto the needle and work from those. The finished piece is dramatic and fully reversible, a breeze to wear as either a shawl or a scarf.
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